Yes I blog(rant) sometimes. But usually go for months without doing so, and in this case almost a year. On January 13th 2012 I congratulated Alta on it’s 75th birthday, and since then we have chalked up outstanding daily living & plenty of time outdoors. Just no documentation here.
There is a new puppy in the household, and she’s a bit much now (or otherwise a “terror”) but will be more than fine later…and as a working mix that can surely run 50 miles without a blink, the perfect ski/mountain bike companion. Toll Canyon is accessible right out of our door. Plenty of mountain miles to explore.
This last year, rather than writing stupid things online that hardly anyone reads, I have been devoting lots of time to strumming acoustic instruments. I have decided that when you plug in instruments they go to hell. Just ask Ellie. The family band is rocking, and we saw plenty of good music in 2013 to satisfy even the wee ones.
Pedaling more than ever and doing it pure and simple. For trail riding I pass on the silly gears and other bells and whistles. Air, dirt, lube and my new Lucid 29er is almost all that’s needed to set a head straight. Pedal more, complain less. On each ride bring litter out of the woods…as much as you can carry.
So I am writing now because I smashed my thigh on a stump in Little Cottonwood Canyon’s low snow conditions a few days ago. It was a long ten seconds trying to determine whether or not my leg was broken, and the temp was -3. I chanted “pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain” in a slow and rhythmic way to myself for several minutes after, until I got to my feet, to my truck, then back home.
That crash would have killed ten ordinary men.
So now that I am forced to lie on the couch (and there’s powder in them hills) on a Saturday, I finally dig open the blog and post an update. Thank you massive thigh Hematoma, at least for the fun drugs. Will be working to write more this next year…should you give a damn. I am not too bad at it, and this was actually kind of fun.