There is an inventory reduction sale (more off an already legit price) on these gloves right now.
Killer value $45. See end of post for a link…
I get excited whenever I hear about a new ski industry brand in Park City…especially a brand going direct-to-consumer online. Previously I have featured both Soul Poles and RAMP Sports (Chk the Peacepipes Ski Review), both based here in PC and both doing things right. In fact there are lots of interesting people doing lots of really cool things around here. From tech startups to outdoor industry brands, Park City is certainly an emerging hub of innovation and functional creativity.
We live at the top of a dead end, gravel road so after snow storms there are plenty of sledding and skiing sessions with all the neighbor kids. While talking to another parent in the hood after a storm I noticed his distinct looking gloves. As a dedicated gear head I had to ask about them. His answer…
“Oh these are gloves from Free the Powder based here in Park City…the owner delivered them in person after I purchased a pair on their website.”
Now that is how you build your brand! Hand delivery to your customers (who in this case just happens to be a neighbor) So although it was the first I had heard of these gloves personally, the word is out so it would not have been long to see them around otherwise I’m sure.
When I emailed owner Chase Stewart to ask him more about Free the Powder Gloves, here is what he said (among other profound things)…
“We launched the research and development phase of Free the Powder Gloves 18 months ago. The first year was spent field-testing every variable of glove design with the assistance of fellow backcountry skiers and ski patrollers. The primary focus of the design was maximum versatility: what works best on most days and in most conditions. Too many ski gloves are designed to sell and not to use.”
Disclaimer: I do not own these gloves yet (although I have handled them and tried them on) and have zero $ incentive to post this. But I think their philosophy is spot on, their mascot is rad, and it’s always a labor of love for me to support a Park City-based ski company.
As mentioned at the top of the page there is an inventory reduction sale right now and you can get these gloves for $45. You can even get a good deal on their leather treatment. I have had the same pair of Swany ski gloves (APOLO NFX-5) working great for me since 2008-09, but they are ready to be retired. So if you’re like me about spending money you should probably consider pulling the trigger on these right now.